Hurricane Preparedness in Peak Season: Are You Ready?

Welcome back to our second blog post on hurricane preparedness! As we find ourselves in the heart of hurricane season, it’s crucial to assess and elevate your storm preparedness, especially since statistically, hurricanes are more likely to occur in September and October. While the season officially begins on June 1st, historically, nearly two-thirds of Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes have formed after September 1st. So, it’s not too late to enhance your readiness. Here are a few steps you can take to ensure you and your family are prepared for whatever Mother Nature may throw your way:

1. Become a Power Player: Invest in a Generator

One of the smartest moves you can make to safeguard your home and family during a hurricane is to invest in a generator. Start by identifying what you want to keep running during a power outage. Is it your air conditioner, refrigerator, lights, and TV? If the answer is “all of the above,” calculate the wattage required for each item. Then, purchase a gas-powered generator capable of starting and running all those appliances simultaneously. If not, adjust the generator’s size according to your needs. Remember to buy several 5-gallon gas cans, stock up on fuel a day or two before the storm, and always operate the generator outdoors in a well-ventilated area to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

2. Deepen Your Meteorology Knowledge

To have more time for preparation, it’s essential to enhance your understanding of storm forecasts. Visit informative websites such as the National Hurricane Center, which issues official storm forecasts. By clicking on a system shown on their map, you can access detailed information, including the projected path. Additionally, explore Cyclocane, an independent weather site that provides “spaghetti models,” offering multiple projected storm tracks based on global models. This broader perspective helps you anticipate a storm’s path. Don’t forget to check out Florida Storms, a collective of 13 public radio stations offering Florida-specific information and localized forecasts. Consider downloading their app for easy access while on the go.

3. Master Little-Known Tips

In addition to the more common hurricane preparedness steps, there are numerous lesser-known tips that can significantly improve your readiness:

  • While it’s common knowledge to stock a gallon of drinking water per person per day, you can also fill a kiddie pool with water for washing dishes or providing drinking water for pets.
  • Check your carbon monoxide detector’s battery before running the generator to ensure safety.
  • Consider moving your vehicles into a garage or under cover to protect them from potential damage.
  • Fill your car’s gas tanks not only for transportation but also to use them as gas-powered generators for charging devices or providing air conditioning.
  • Lastly, remember that cash may become essential during power outages, so withdraw money from an ATM before the storm strikes.

These proactive measures can elevate your preparedness during this peak hurricane season. Remember that being prepared can make all the difference in keeping you and your loved ones safe during a hurricane. For more tips and information, visit the American Red Cross website. Stay safe, stay prepared, and weather the storm with confidence!

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